
Miss Gertrude Dorothy Parker

Friday, August 27, 2010

Finally Friday!

Gertie and Rudy enjoying the fresh air.
I hope all you furrends of mine have a wunnerful weekend. I will see you next week!! Gertie.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Close to the Heart

They say it takes a village to raise a child. I don't know who they is- but I know this is true! So today I wanna let you meet my God-Poorents who are my bestest furrends in the world!!

My "Daddy Aimee" is a 17 year old smooth haired terrier from Olympia, Washington. Yes- he's a doggy!!! And I have big ears just like his. Daddy Aimee was a confirmed old bachelor, just sittin around watching the Food Channel and eating Snausages when he met my bruvvas on Facebook. Well Boob and Aimee became best buddies. And then the most exciting thing happened! Aimee fell in LOVE! Not with Boob, sillies- with the Lovely Lady of Adelaide, Muchka.

Amos Alonzo Brown

When I grow up, I wanna be just like my God-Muvva Moochy. She is the most beautiful, elegant tortie cat in the whole wide world! Muchka is from Adelaide, Australia. It's called "down under" and the water in their toilets there swirls backwards. It sounds like a fun place for a nosy little kitty like Gertie Girl. 
At first I could not understand Muchka very well cause she speaks LOLCAT   
But I figured it out real quick- hey I'm smart! and now I can talk that way too. Anyway, Muchka and Aimee fell in love and are gonna get married soon. They are wunnerful and I love them so much.
Muchka Gligich
Well, that's all for today!!!  I love you all- Srsly! Kthxksbai!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I have the best Brothers!!!

Hallo peeples! I don't have much to report today, so I thought I'd just show you some more pictures of my family. This one was taken today. My Bruvva Boob likes to give me baths. I love him!!!

I love my bruvva Rudy a real lot too!! Mama says he's got some adjustin to do. Before I got here, he was still the baby so it's gonna take some time to sort out.....

Well peeples, I'll be back to visit with you again real soon!! For now I have to go soopervise Daddy Boy (he's my hooman Daddy) and see what Poonanigans I can get into before my nap. I love you all!!!
Booby gives me my bath.
Me and Big ole Rudykins
Daddy Boob and Me on his Milty

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Getting More Smarter

Happy Tuesday from little Gertie to all my furrends on the internets!!! 

Today I wanna talk to you about the importance of a good education. See, I have two really smart bruvvas. A lot of you already know them- Boob and Rudy. They are really smart cats. Boob is a fat cat lawyer who gradumated from Dartmouth and him and Rudy both got degrees from Duke. I am just a plain old street kitty, and it's time for Gertie Girl to get an edumacation!!!

Today I wanna share my learnin' with  you- my bloggie furrends!!! So sit down, and get ready for today's lesson.

Good Morning Children!!! I am your teacher Miss Gertrude. Today we are going to have a history lesson.  Put your thinking caps on!!  We are going to talk about a phrase today that some of your  parents may have called you when you  got into something you shouldn't have.  In fact my mother (yes I am an old maid teacher and still live with my Mama) called me a NOSEY PARKER  this morning. What, you may ask is a Nosey Parker???

A "NOSY PARKER" sometimes spelled "NOSEY PARKER" is a person of an overly inquisitive or prying nature.


Well, now you know what  a NOSEY PARKER is. If you don't have time to read the whole story about where the phrase came from, that's OK. Cause if you know ME, you know Nosey! 

Have a Happy Day my furrends. And remember- KNOWLEDGE IS GOOD.


Monday, August 23, 2010

Meet my Big Bruvvas

These here boys are muh bruvvas. Boobithy Boobonivich and Rudy Hess. They been teachin me the ropes here in muh furrever home for two weeks now. I bulleve I got da ropes down now!!!

Rules of da House

1) Don't bother Rudy
2) Fancy Feets iz to be shared equally wif Boob
3) Poonanigans is a 24 hour job 
4) Don't bother Rudy

My Bruvvas- Rudy and Boobithy
Other than that, pretty much anyfing goes. Boob has tooken me under his wing- well, ok his paws and has adopterated me as his own widdle girl. He has good experience cause he raised Rudy from a wee kitty and Rudy has turned out big and handsome and smart. I love muh bruvvas. I am still very wee and they look out for me. Life is real good. OK time for Gertie's nap. ZZzzzzzzz

Monday Monday

Hello Dear Peeples on the Internet Thingee- It's me Gertie Girl!! I decided to give this bloggie thingee a try. Mama says I am a miracle kitty, and that I have a story of hope to share...So here goes.

Two weeks ago I was STARVING and didn't have no home. I was an orphan. Unka Bob heard a sound outside his door late at night and went to investimigate. Well, there I was all one and a half pounds of me curled up between the tire and wheel well of his car- crying my little heart out! I was  covered with motor oil. My bones were sticking out, and my skin was drooping. 

Unka Bob's dorter took me inside and cleaned me up. She gave me a nice canned tuna dinner and let me curl up with her for the night. Next morning, Unka Bob and his dorter brung me to my furrever home with my new mama and daddy. Oh yes, I have two BIG cat bruvvas- Boob and Rudy.

Now I know what a Princess feels like!!!!  WOW!!!  I have about 200 toys and about that many Facebook furrends. My tummy is always full of Fancy Feets and Party Mix and everbody loves me!  I am THE HAPPIEST GIRL IN ILLINOIS!!!