
Miss Gertrude Dorothy Parker

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Here is a list of some of da ladies I admire.......

Mrs. Lady Bird Johnson put up with a grumpy husband for lots of years. She did good by planting lots of wild flowers. She's a Southern Belle which, of course, puts her at the top of muh list- on account of my poorents from Oklahoma, and Mama is a Southern Belle, which means I am too.

Lady Elaine Fairchilde was one of Mr. Fred Rogers' side-kicks in Make Believe Land. She plays accordion like I do......

Lady Diana Spencer became a Princess, but she was always a lady. She bulleved in givin back to da less fortunate. She was a good Mama to her boys. And boy did she know how to wear pretty clothes!!

I saved the best for last peeoples!!! My favorite lady is one I know and love. Her title is "MISS" but she's a real Southern Belle and my future sister-in-law, Miss Elsie Fallulah Graves. She has a real important job over to the WHISKERS AND PURRS HOUSE. Miss Elsie is TOP CAT and leader of the pack for  13 cats- actually 15 counting the two new kitties. She's my bruvva Rudy's fawnshee and oh so elegant!! I love ya Miss Elsie!! Wavin muh widdle paw atcha!

Well, time for my nap then back to POONANIGANS!!!!!


Lady Bird Johnson


Lady Elaine Fairchild


Lady Diana Spencer


Miss Elsie Fallulah Graves

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Morning Peeples!!! I am so excited today! I have a new cape and am finally ready to fly!! Just call me SOOPER GERTIE! I gotta send out lots of hugs and kisses to muh bestest furrend in da whole wide world Mr. Boomer Burk of Louisville, Kentucky for dis wunnerful gift. Boomer is a big fluffy Ragdoll cat and muh adopterated bruvva. I loves him so much!! 

Well, have a great day peeps!! Gotta go practice muh SOOPER POWERS!!! I love you all! 


Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Morning Muh Furrends and all you peepols on da Internet Thingee. It's me again!! Wee Gertie. Today I am gonna share wif you what a typical day in muh life is like.

I wake up and mama lets me outta da kitty carrier about 7 am. Before you start screamin "CAT ABUSE" at muh Mama, I needs to tell you dat I am VERY comfee in dat box. I sleep in dere wif muh Milty (well, Boob's) and muh very own rat named Lucy which was gived to me by muh dear bruvva FONZIE BIJAN SEED.

After I gets up and does muh kitty yoga- some stretches and shtuff- I meet Daddy Boob  in da kitchen where  Mama pops open a can of Fancy Feets for us to share. Me and Boob bof prefer da Beef and Liver classic pate kind, but  we like all da flaburs. After dat- well I go to muh litter box and do what we all gotta do- POOP. 

Next on da agenda- me, Boob and Rudy scamper into da living room and circle around daddy when he yells "WHO WANTS TREATS????" As if dat's not da silliest question. Hoomans are a strange sort- but whataeyagonnado?? God love 'em!

In case you was wonderin, I enjoy Temptations Treats and Party Mix, and so do Boob and Rudy (or Brooby as our furrend Christine calls dem). But I have very continental taste- and I also loves da Temptations treats from Ozzstralia (fank you Ma Ma Muchka!) and da Dreamies from England (kisses to you Gizzi and Freya!!).

Does Gertie do anyfing BUT eat??? you may wonder. Actually I do!! After treats, Mama opens da back door and puts a kitchen chair where Boob, Rudy and me sit together and watch da birdies and chipmunks for an hour or two.
Gertie Sammich

We nap and I wrassle wif Boob during da day. Muh best place to nap is on da day bed in front of da TV. I always nap on muh MANLY MEN BLUE BLANKEE which was gived to us by Rudy's fawnshee, MISS ELSIE FALLULAH GRAVES.  I dun bother nobody here.....Like I told ya before, we only have a few rules in muh house and two of dem is dis:  DO NOT BOTHER RUDY. Ifn I forget- bleeve me, he reminds me!! Growl!!! Thunderpaw!!! 
Rudy is beeg.

Me playin on our Manly Men Blue Blankee

When mama gets home from work, we like to play Laser Light. I can jump higher den muh hefty bag bruvvers. Probly cause I'm wee, and I'm also a ballet dancer. Zoe Marie Cuppiecake Spumoni (muh sister who lives in Florida) and me, we opened a Dance Studio!! More about dat anuver day, OK??

We play and have more Fancy Feets (Rudy likes crunchy food) and treats and we hang out wif mama on da big bed while she reads her True Crime books. By about 9:30 it's time for me to give da old peeps and cats a rest. So I go to da kitty carrier and say goodnight. ZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.