
Miss Gertrude Dorothy Parker

Monday, August 23, 2010

Meet my Big Bruvvas

These here boys are muh bruvvas. Boobithy Boobonivich and Rudy Hess. They been teachin me the ropes here in muh furrever home for two weeks now. I bulleve I got da ropes down now!!!

Rules of da House

1) Don't bother Rudy
2) Fancy Feets iz to be shared equally wif Boob
3) Poonanigans is a 24 hour job 
4) Don't bother Rudy

My Bruvvas- Rudy and Boobithy
Other than that, pretty much anyfing goes. Boob has tooken me under his wing- well, ok his paws and has adopterated me as his own widdle girl. He has good experience cause he raised Rudy from a wee kitty and Rudy has turned out big and handsome and smart. I love muh bruvvas. I am still very wee and they look out for me. Life is real good. OK time for Gertie's nap. ZZzzzzzzz

1 comment:

  1. That is so cute! :) Congratulations on being on the Internets and in a nice new home. :)
